FUTURENET, It Pays To Be On this NEW Social Media !

dimanche 29 juillet 2012

TwitPic : Share your photos and videos

Before, if you want to read a french version, please click below to see a french version article :
At the following URL below, you need to answer a questionnaire or survey to access it : Here

Do you want sharing your photos and videos a twitpic platform ? Read below :

Go to this url and sign up :

You can see my profil below :

Click "Upload photo or video" blue button at the right top :

ajax version

standard version

Insert your photos and comments for twitter :

Add tags :

share button for social websites/networks :

example of this embed  photo :

<a href="http://twitpic.com/ad57at" title="purple tulip in the rain : http://www.redgage.com/photos/cler... on Twitpic"><img src="http://twitpic.com/show/thumb/ad57at.png" width="150" height="150" alt="purple tulip in the rain : http://www.redgage.com/photos/cler... on Twitpic"></a>

This is the result :

 Purple tulip original - http://www.redgage.com/photos/cleroy6... on Twitpic

Go to profil url at the right top of the page and you see to appear my photo ; I chose thumbnail photo :

In this aera, you can click to "add twitpic widget to your site" blue button

Insert this code below in HTML/Javascript Gadget on blogger :

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://widgets.twitpic.com/j/2/widget.js?username=cleroy61&colorbg=FFFFFF&colorborder=E2E2E2&colorlinks=5C9FCC&colortweetbg=F2F2F2&colortweets=222222&theme=grid_vertical&width=250&count=18×tamp=0"></script>

In "Settings" url at the right top of the twitpic account, you can mail your photo  :

You use and click on twitpic Advertise link at the bottom of the twitpic page

Expose your brand to millions of people every day on Twitpic
Whether you're building your company or personal brand, Featured User ads on Twitpic
will put millions of eyes on you.

Gain followers and brand recognition. Your featured user ad is displayed prominently on twitpic photo pages.

20,000 impressions for $20
50,000 impressions for $50
100,000 impressions for $95 (Save 5%)
250,000 impressions for $225 (Save 10%)


That's it for this article !

Have a nice day

The best for you !


2 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for the tip! I think I'm going to sign up there if it's like Redgage!

    1. Thank you ! I think it's good for getting traffic !
